Das Requirement Engeneering Magazine ist online
Die englischsprachige Publikation ist ein unabhängiges Online-Magazin zum Thema Anforderungsmanagement, vierteljährlich herausgegeben vom IREB, dem International Requirements Engineering Board.
„The Requirements Engineering Magazine shall serve as a platform for the active exchange of professionals on Requirements Engineering (RE). It is cost free in order to motivate as many professionals as possible to read the articles and thus give them the opportunity to expand their range of knowledge. Articles around the RE-topic are contributed by international professionals from the fields of BA and RE. Everybody is welcome to submit articles, may she/he be IREB member or not!“
Wir wünschen eine interessante Lektüre.
Das mITSM vermittelt im {IREB Foundation} Training die Grundlagen des Requirements Engineering auf Basis des international verbreiteten und anerkannten Zertifizierungs-Rahmenwerks IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering – Foundation Level.